Intelligent Data Mobility & Management
Komprise puts you in control of your unstructured data—not your storage, cloud, or backup vendor—so you can know, move, manage, and harness data anywhere.
File data’s time for the cloud has come, but the wrong moves can cost you millions.
Komprise Elastic Data Migration makes cloud data migrations simple, fast and reliable with continuous data visibility and optimization. Komprise puts you in control of your unstructured data—not your storage, cloud, or backup vendor—so you can know, move, manage, and harness data anywhere. Komprise Smart Data Workflows allow you to define and execute automated processes, which are often industry and domain specific, to visualize, mobilize and get greater value from unstructured data.
One Data Management Platform for All
Your NAS and Cloud Data
With Komprise Intelligent Data Management, powered by Transparent Move TechnologyTM (TMT), you’ll always have the right data, in the right place, at the right time—without vendor lock-in.

Data Analytics
Insight-driven planning
Cloud Tiering
Right-place data with access at every tier
Data Migration
27x faster than point tools
Cloud DR at half the cost
Feed Data Pipes Index
Unlock data value